First Things

Free to Focus Summary

Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt is a great system to help you focus on working on the right things. First, you’ll stop and define what productivity means to you by formulating, evaluating, and reformulating. Then, you’ll cut the nonessentials by eliminating, automating, and delegating. Finally, you’ll act on by consolidating, designating, and activating.

Executive Summary

In a world where information is freely available, focus becomes one of the most valuable commodities in the workplace. 

Productivity is not about getting more things done; it’s about getting the right things done.

The Free to Focus productivity system follows 3 simple steps (with three actions each):

  1. Stop. Unless you first know why you’re working, you can’t properly evaluate how you’re working.
    • Formulate: how to clarify why you want to be more productive
    • Evaluate: how to find your highest-leverage activities
    • Reformulate: how to use rest to boost your productivity
  2. Cut. Here you’ll discover that what you don’t do is just as important to your productivity as what you do. Actions:
    • Eliminate: how to cut the nonessentials
    • Automate: how to subtract yourself from the equation 
    • Delegate: how to properly delegate work
  3. Act. You’ll learn how to accomplish your high-leverage tasks in less time and with less stress.
    • Consolidate: how to be more efficient by batching tasks
    • Designate: how to prioritize tasks
    • Activate: how to manage interruptions and eliminate distractions
free to focus produtivity flywheel
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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 1:54pm CDT

Chapter 15 of "Your Best Year Ever" by Michael Hyatt, titled "Visibility Is Essential," underscores the importance of maintaining clear oversight and celebrating achievements within goal-setting processes. The author emphasizes the significance of regular reviews—daily, weekly, and quarterly—in maximizing goal attainment.

Hyatt explains that daily reviews foster awareness of progress and challenges, ensuring adjustments can be made promptly. Weekly reviews provide a broader perspective, aiding in tracking alignment with long-term objectives and facilitating course corrections as needed. Quarterly reviews offer the chance to assess substantial strides and reevaluate objectives in light of changing circumstances.

Additionally, the chapter underscores the role of celebrating wins when goals are met. Hyatt contends that recognizing achievements generates motivation and positive momentum for continued progress. By acknowledging successes, individuals reinforce their commitment to the journey, fostering resilience in the face of setbacks.

In essence, "Visibility Is Essential" underscores the need for a structured approach to goal pursuit. By implementing regular reviews across different timeframes and acknowledging accomplishments, individuals enhance their ability to stay on track, adapt effectively, and maintain a positive and empowered mindset throughout their pursuit of success.

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Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 12:44pm CDT

In Chapter 14 of "Your Best Year Ever" by Michael Hyatt, titled "You Can Trigger Success," the author explores the concept of triggers and their impact on achieving success. Hyatt emphasizes that we can proactively design triggers that propel us toward our goals. He begins by highlighting the effectiveness of positive triggers—specific cues that prompt desired actions. By strategically placing these triggers in our environment, we can create a conducive atmosphere for success. 

Hyatt also delves into negative triggers, which can derail progress. He discusses identifying these triggers and implementing strategies to counter their influence. This involves modifying the environment to minimize exposure to negative cues and maximizing the impact of positive ones. The author stresses the significance of self-awareness in recognizing triggers and their effects on our behavior.

Ultimately, the chapter emphasizes the power of intentionality in shaping our path to success. By consciously engineering our surroundings and mindset, we can increase the likelihood of making consistent, positive choices that align with our goals. Hyatt's insights underscore the importance of taking charge of our environment and mindset to trigger success and elevate our overall productivity and well-being.

Direct download: FT133.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 1:08pm CDT

Chapter 13 of "Your Best Year Ever" by Michael Hyatt, titled "One Journey Is Many Steps," delves into the importance of breaking down our goals into manageable steps to achieve success and create lasting change. Hyatt emphasizes that reaching our desired destination is akin to a journey, and each step taken contributes significantly to the ultimate achievement.

The author introduces the concept of the "Pathway to Success," a framework that guides readers through the process of setting realistic and achievable goals. This pathway involves identifying a clear destination, creating specific action steps, and establishing milestones to track progress. Hyatt encourages readers to visualize their desired outcomes, building motivation and resilience during challenging times.

Furthermore, the chapter emphasizes the significance of flexibility and adaptation when obstacles arise. Hyatt shares practical tips on staying committed to the journey, learning from setbacks, and adjusting the plan as necessary without losing sight of the ultimate goal.

"One Journey Is Many Steps" encourages readers to celebrate even the smallest victories along the way, fostering a sense of accomplishment and fueling momentum for further progress. By following this guidance, readers can increase their chances of making significant strides towards their goals and turning their dreams into reality.

Direct download: FT132.mp3
Category:Podcast Episodes -- posted at: 11:00am CDT