First Things

Chapter 7 of "Your Best Year Ever" by Michael Hyatt is titled "Great Goals Check Seven Boxes." In this chapter, Hyatt outlines seven criteria that make goals effective and increase the likelihood of achieving them.

The first box to check is "S.M.A.R.T.E.R.," which stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Risky, Time-Keyed, Exciting, and Relevant. Hyatt explains that goals should be clearly defined, quantifiable, and actionable. They should also be challenging yet attainable within a specified timeframe and aligned with one's values and aspirations.

The second box is "Motivating." Hyatt emphasizes the importance of setting goals that truly inspire and excite us. When our goals align with our passions and interests, we are more likely to stay committed and motivated throughout the process.

The third box is "Written." Hyatt stresses the significance of writing down our goals. Research has shown that the act of writing crystallizes our intentions and increases the likelihood of achieving them.

The fourth box is "Visible." Hyatt recommends keeping our goals visible by regularly reviewing them. This constant reminder helps us stay focused and maintain momentum towards their achievement.

The fifth box is "Emotional." Hyatt encourages readers to connect with the emotional reasons behind their goals. By identifying the deep-rooted desires and emotions associated with our goals, we can tap into a powerful source of motivation.

The sixth box is "Challenging." Hyatt explains that setting ambitious goals stretches our capabilities and drives personal growth. It is important to push beyond our comfort zones and aim for goals that require effort and dedication.

The final box is "Owned." Hyatt emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of our goals. By assuming full responsibility for their attainment, we become empowered to take the necessary actions and overcome obstacles.

In summary, effective goals check seven boxes: they are S.M.A.R.T.E.R., motivating, written, visible, emotional, challenging, and owned. By applying these criteria, individuals can set goals that are compelling, actionable, and aligned with their aspirations, increasing their chances of success.

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